After public outcry from my article on the Daily Mail justifying my purchase of the Amazon rainforest for logging purposes (not like anyone made use of all them trees), I've decided to give my time to more smaller publications that will respect my efforts in helping the free market grow and my very knowledgeable opinions on how to better society at large. Well, actually, I bought the Yellow Brick Network and now make them force my views onto their readership, but let's not get into my business savvy ways. Today I wish to discuss the poor "people question and what to do about it. You've all dealt with them, those ruffians that make less than 1000k a year and think their opinion means shit to us folk of noble and better breeding. I won't deny on my trips to Africa, Asia, South America, that I've hunted some for sport but I don't think that's enough. Fellow not so respectable billionaires such as Elon Musk and Bill Gates, though do some really noble things like send African children into cobalt mines and destroy food processing plants; they then advocate for Universal Basic Income! Do these people deserve that? They commit the most crimes, they bring drugs to whatever neighbourhoods they enter, and they dare look in my general fucking direction! Something needs to be done as the more these cretins unionize and protest, and riot, the more my shady underhanded firms that may or may not have involvement in several human trafficking rings, lose money! Anyways, I've done some research about how undesirables were dealt with, both in world history and my family's proud history, and I have some ideas: first, we should rise house prices to a point where those who choose to be in buy one will be in debt slavery for life, then we should push drugs into lower income areas, and then... Oh, my editor (not that his opinion matters) this is already being done. Well, not deleting what I've already wrote as what I write is worth gold after all, so how about I get to point and advocate Scorched Earth: poison their food, purposely push policies that bring destruction to the lives of the general populace, and... Wow, this is being done already too? Wow, you know what writting this article has really made me feel better about the world, I thought poor people were pushing their luck but no, they are becoming even more miserable. This is great, no way this can backfire. Yahoo, yeah I'm done.